Nicolas Tzenios approved to proceed for Clinical trial on Nic’s Keto Diet on cardiovascular health, plus revolutionary diet patent

Some could question, is Nicolas Tzenios a mysterious middle-aged scientist, a serious Businessman, or just a very hard-working post-grad student? Nicolas is swimming against the tides and by clinical science reversing some basic principles of Medicine.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) (The Canadian equivalent to the FDA) approved to proceed with Nicolas Tzenios Clinical trial. An Open-Label Study to Investigate the efficacy of Nic’s Keto Diet on cardiovascular health in healthy adults with mildly elevated LDL levels.

Nic is a Chairman of a small but serious Medical and Cancer research fund, a writer of a Diet book, a humble medical science researcher. Dr. Tzenios, woke up from years of hibernation to amaze the medical community with his Friendly LDL theory tests in a clinical trial in Canada now.

Nicolas is a former vice Rector of a State Medical University, believing that education is a nonstop lifelong journey. Nicolas is back to the benches of the university, studying post-Doctoral, Postgraduate High impact cancer certificate at Harvard Medical School. (While following executive courses in 3 different faculties).

In addition, Dr. Tzenios has also applied for a Patent for one of his revolutionary diet- health-related innovations.

A medical professional recently said:

“We have no doubts that Nic dreamt, planned, and is laborious stirring toward several goals. Some goals are distinctive regarding a healthier world, better diet, Medical Innovation, and hopefully, Cancer cures”.

One Goal seems to hide behind Nic’s dreaming eyes and focused mind. Nicolas has already won hearts with his Keto TV videos, plus gaining public respect with his clinical research protocol.

While it is difficult to predict, many are hoping he will become a candidate to win the ultimate prize – a ticket to that yearly special event in Stockholm.

Nic’s ideas already gained the attention of the Medical World, and many hope his research publications soon will positively change the World.

JeraSoft Billing Rolls Out Major Updates And New Extended Features In Routing Module, Version 3.20

JeraSoft Limited, top-developer and integrator of high-quality billing solutions for telecom and IoT providers, today announced the major release of JeraSoft Telecom and IoT Billing Platform – JeraSoft Billing 3.20. This release brings extended features and developments in the Routing module, improved performance and updates in the Rates module and Swap Deals management features development.

Andrii Zinchenko, CTO JeraSoft, gives the insights to JeraSoft Billing product release 3.20:

“JeraSoft Billing 3.20 includes a great number of new features and developments, but three main parts we are proud to present are Dynamic Routing new features, major updates in Rates Import and a completely new feature – Swap Deals. We decided to start presenting release 3.20 from Routing Module and the New Year 2020 will start with the presentation of Rates Import and Swap Deals section. JeraSoft team congratulates our customers on the upcoming Holidays, and I would like to underline that all three main features I described above are already included in version 3.20.

This autumn JeraSoft team conducted deep research with an open questionnaire to get customer feedback and to investigate the market request. As a fruitful result of the research new version of the product was born. We are grateful to our customers for their impact on the JeraSoft Billing Platform continuous improvement and from our side, we are open to hearing every customer, to stay updated and keep close to our customers‘ business needs.“

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic Routing Policies

Among the most efficient and business-friendly solutions in JeraSoft Billing 3.20 are Cash Flow-based dynamic routing policies creation.

In order to give more flexibility, the Routing Policies module has been completely reworked in the newest version 3.20. It is now possible not only to use predefined Routing Policies but to create your own with a set of factors that fits your business needs. The available factors are: Rate, Quality (ASR, ACD, PDD, SCD), Vendor Debt, and Payment Due.

As described above, newly added factors are PDD, SCD, Vendor Debt, and Payment Due. The latest two allow you to consider Cash Flow within the routing procedure. The routing order and procedure are improved with the accordance of Cash Flow optimization and aimed to increase the profitability of customers‘ business models.

Quality Factors

The second feature developed in the Dynamic Routing policies will allow a customer to manage and customize different factors and factor combinations in the Routing module, instead of using pre-defined settings as before. It is also possible to create filters for different groups of vendors. For instance, filters could be customized considering the route price and vendor debt or by the quality and the billing terms.

With Quality Factors feature rework we have simplified and added the possibility to filter the routes by quality. Customers will experience more flexible and at the same time easier way of routing quality management.

For added convenience, you can now specify QoS filters (ASR and ACD) for each routing rule in the Routing Plan. It allows you to remove vendors with lower quality from the routing in real-time to deliver better traffic quality for your clients.

Generally, the Routing Policies section looks more insightful, simple and user-friendly.

Billing Increment Check

To improve profitability check, we’ve added Billing Increments matching between Customers’ and Vendors’ rates in the routing. This feature is available for both dynamic and static routing rules.

Billing Increment Check is a smart feature that allows to check and calculate an efficient and non-efficient ratio between Customers‘ and Vendors‘ rates and ensure only profitable deals for both sides.

Source Code Routing

The new version includes improvement in the Routing Map building for the rates with defined Src Code. Previous versions considered only rates without Src Code when building Routing Map. The optimized A-Number Routing feature in combination with A-Number Billing features will provide the most precise route profitability check and calculation, as well as improved Profit Margin checks.

Routing Analysis

The Routing Analysis section brings a number of visual improvements to make it more efficient, simple and user-friendly for the client to analyze the query results. The new Output options include Verbosity (lets you control the routes’ output based on them being accepted or rejected by the system), Skip Reasons (lets you control routes under which checks should be removed from the result). Other improvements are related to the columns shown in the Routing Analysis, such as Status, Routing Rule, Vendor, Account, Code, Rate, Reject Reasons, etc.

Vendor Credit Limit

To make routing management more versatile, the Client Info settings block has a new field added – Credit limit – for Terminator Settings. This setting lets you control the credit limit you have on the vendor’s side. This credit limit will be applied to vendors during the routing check to remove them from the routing result if the vendor balance plus credit limit hits the entered threshold. So this feature allows avoiding soft switch overload and also helps to increase call PDD.

DID Routing

Among minor updates, there is a simplification in DID routing operations, which allows adding rules even easier than it was before.

Jurisdictional Billing Module

We’ve broadened the area detection functionality for the Jurisdictional Billing module. From now on, we use the LERG database for detecting state, lata, MTA and local parameters. Also, we use the North American Numbering Plan dipping in the Traffic Processing section for more precise processing.

As far as JeraSoft Billing Release 3.20 includes a number of new features and updates, major features such as the Swap Deals section and Rates Import are already included in the new version and will be announced widely in January 2020.

Detailed manual on new functionality and system updates can be found on JeraSoft Documentation Portal in JeraSoft Billing 3.20.0 release notes article.

From December 09, 2019, JeraSoft Billing 3.20 is officially available for installation. All existing JeraSoft customers are encouraged to upgrade their current version to the latest version. Clients with active Support Subscriptions get this upgrade as a current update and FREE of charge.

Join the upcoming webinar to explore new functionality in real time and discover exceptional product benefits which will help to improve your business performance! To register for the webinar, please, click here.

About JeraSoft

Gathering the most outstanding technology facilities and practices, JeraSoft billing software helps IoT providers, CSPs, as well as mobile and business telecommunication operators (including MVNO, OTT, enterprise VoIP, and SMS providers) to structure and automate their billing, rating, routing, and provisioning processes. The billing platform is empowered with flexible billing units management, real-time statistics, user-friendly reporting, high-performance API, provisioning and other add-ons that give a provider an opportunity to easily deploy, integrate, and finally get the most benefits from a single solution.


Project Grand Slam, the acclaimed band led by celebrated bassist/composer Robert Miller, has re-released their single “Get Out!”, Miller’s anti-Trump political protest song.

Like many Americans, Miller has been profoundly upset by so much that the president has said and done. In response, he wrote “Get Out!”, which does not mention Trump by name but nevertheless contains a clear message.

Says Miller, “I wrote the song last fall in response to all the insanity of this Administration, which I thought at the time couldn’t get any worse. But with the ongoing impeachment inquiry the song is even more relevant today”, adding: “I hope that the song will serve as a rallying cry and anthem for opposition to Trump.”

Miller adds: “I feel that artists have an obligation to speak out on the important issues of the day, just as so many artists did in the 1960s in protest of the Vietnam War, the Kent State shootings, and other traumatic national events, but it seems like virtually no artists do today.”

“Get Out!” is included on PGS 7, the latest highly acclaimed album by Project Grand Slam which was released in June 2019 and is distributed by SONY/The Orchard.

For more information and to listen to the song click here. Watch the music video.

The reviews of “Get Out!” have been incredible: “Rocks hard and will burn its lyrics into your brain!” (SkopeMag); “Magnetizing hook!” (TheIndieSource); “Punishingly provocative!” (GashouseRadio); “Haunting!” (Neufutur); “Grand unabashed star!” (IndiePulseMusic); “Fierce performance!” (Razorfish); “Strong rock streak with a hint of menace!” (IndieMusicReviews); “Blistering lyrics!” (IMAAI).

Robert Miller

Project Grand Slam

+1 917-656-1401