Super Soccer Stars Launches Virtual Classes and Live Streaming Services

 New York, NY – Super Soccer Stars, the nation’s premiere youth soccer organization, announced it is going from on field instruction to digital learning with a release of virtual classrooms and live streaming services. The creation of Soccer Stars @HOME, Live Streaming and Skills & Drills powered by Famer will allow Super Soccer Stars to re-engage their communities. The digital curriculum is developed to keep children’s bodies and minds active while at the same time incorporating socialization with coaches, classmates and teammates to encourage safe, social interaction.
● Soccer Stars @HOME – A fully interactive virtual class in a weekly, small group setting. Coaches work directly with players via screen sharing to offer one-on-one attention. Participants ask questions and get individual instruction on how to improve their game. Coaches also assign activity sheets and challenges to keep the fun going after class is over. Available for $50/month with free access to Soccer Stars Live Stream.
● Live Streaming – Live content stream sessions are available throughout the day, 7 days a week. Each live stream is age-specific and includes daily themes and early childhood learning concepts. Grants access to all Soccer Stars’ archived videos to re-watch at subscribers’ convenience.
● Skills & Drills powered by Famer – Soccer Stars’ digital subscription service direct to mobile device or tablet. With over 450 training videos, users have access to a full 14 week curriculum designed as age-specific drills with progression goals to keep kids engaged through Famer app. 
“Our parents, afterschool and enrichment partners, daycare facilities and other partners have been asking us to continue to deliver our Super Soccer Stars classes and coaches to the kids in order to keep them moving and re-establish some normalcy.  The social interaction with their classmates, friends, teammates and coaches is so important as our kids are adjusting to learning from home,”  said Adam Geisler, CEO, Super Soccer Stars.  “In these turbulent times, we are in a fortunate position to bring some happiness and a needed physical outlet to our children through Super Soccer Stars Virtual Classes and Live Streaming platforms.” 
Super Soccer Stars virtual classrooms and live streaming curriculum will be available starting March 30, 2020.  Visit to learn more and enroll.
About Super Soccer Stars:
New York-based Super Soccer Stars was founded in 2000 and is the largest corporately run youth soccer program in the country. Super Soccer Stars’ goal is to use the soccer ball as a vehicle to help children improve their soccer skills while at the same time building self-confidence, enhancing gross motor skills, honing socialization skills and developing physical literacy. Dynamic local and international coaches work with small groups of boys and girls to develop these skills and teamwork in a fun, non-competitive, educational environment. Super Soccer Stars operates in 25+ major markets reaching over 110,000 children each year.  For more information about Super Soccer Stars, please visit

NEUTRINO ENERGY, Scientific Breakthrough for a brighter future

As a collaboration between scientists in Germany, the USA, and beyond, the Neutrino Energy Group represents the cutting edge of alternative energy science. A few years ago, the scientific community scoffed at founder Holger Thorsten Schubart’s assurances that neutrinos could be exploited for energy. Now, however, Holger and his team are hard at work designing the first generation of neutrino-powered devices and neutrino energy generators. Your support helps humanity reach for a future of independent clean energy with limitless potential. The crisis we are currently experiencing is bringing us to the edge of a possible power blackout,  and shows us how important it is to have a decentralized and autark energy system, which continues to work flawlessly in times of pandemics and other natural disasters. Because ofdecentralized systems there is no possibility that the whole system could fail or even collapse.
Neutrino Energy: Solar Cells That Don’t Need Light
According to the Neutrino Energy Group, contrary to popular opinion, photovoltaic cells can generate energy even in cloudy conditions. These types of energy-producing cells don’t operate based on heat, after all; solar panels are powered by the visible spectrum generated by the sun, and these solar rays reach us even when there’s a layer of cloud overhead.
On the other hand, solar panels are much more effective during the summer than they are during the winter. It’s generally believed that photovoltaic arrays are three times more effective during the summer months than they are during the cold, dark winters, and solar panels in the Northern Hemisphere only reach peak output between the months of May and September.
During the winter months, large photovoltaic arrays must be pointed directly toward the sun to generate a usable amount of electricity. Most households don’t have the space to put such an array into action, and it generally isn’t possible to change the angle of roof-mounted solar panels.
While getting enough solar energy to cover a home’s electricity needs isn’t feasible for many homeowners, neutrinovoltaic technology presents a solution that never stops working. Instead of drawing energy from the visible spectrum of light, the neutrinovoltaic technology developed by the Neutrino Energy Group derives electrical energy from neutrinos, which are invisible particles that bombard the Earth in roughly equal numbers every moment of every day.
Neutrinovoltaic technology even harnesses the untapped power of electrosmog, which is the electromagnetic energy produced by manmade electronic devices. This revolutionary technology developed by the Neutrino Energy Group harvests a small amount of the kinetic energy of neutrinos as they pass through everything we see, and this kinetic energy is then transformed into electricity.
With CEO Holger Thorsten Schubart at the helm, the Neutrino Energy Group has devised a metamaterial composed of layers of ultra-thin graphene and silicon. When adhered to a metallic substrate, this material vibrates as it is struck by neutrinos. Since both vertical and horizontal vibrations are caused at the same time, a resonance is created that can then be converted into electrical energy.
Neutrinovoltaic technology operates with complete independence from seasonal shifts or daily weather patterns. Neutrinos never stop colliding with the Earth, which means that neutrinovoltaic cells even work at night. Neutrinovoltaic cells can be scaled horizontally across a surface, such as a rooftop or a hillside, just like photovoltaic technology. Where these two energy collection technologies differ, however, is in their vertical scalability.
Solar cells only operate when they are unblocked from the sun’s rays, which means that they can’t be stacked on top of each other. Neutrinovoltaic cells, however, don’t suffer from this design flaw, which means they can be stacked as high as you want with the bottom cells generating just as much electrical power as the cells on top.
Neutrino Energy Group points out that ground was broken in the field of neutrino power in 2015 when two independent scientists, Takaaki Kajita in Japan and Canadian Arthur McDonald, proved that neutrinos – tiny rays of cosmic particles that permeate almost everything in the universe – did in fact have mass. And, as Einstein’s Relativity Theory goes, e=mc2, or everything with mass also contains energy. For their discovery, the two scientists were each bestowed the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics.
The next step, and one that Neutrino Energy has embarked on, was to develop what was previously thought to be impossible – harnessing that energy for power generation. In principle, harvesting neutrinos as an energy source is similar to that of a traditional photovoltaic (PV) solar cell. Neutrinos are not captured; instead a portion of their kinetic energy is taken and converted into electricity.
The Neutrino Power Cell is made of layers of silicon and carbon, which are applied to a metallic substrate with surgical precision so that when neutrinos hit them, it results in a resonance. Neutrino Energy discovered how to build such a cell that could convert the optimal level of resonance into resonating frequency on an electrical conductor, and then capture this energy. A crucial advantage is that the process requires no sunlight. For 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, Neutrino Power Cubes can transform portions of energy into power, anywhere in the world.
The new technology may help future generations meet their energy needs without requiring inefficient infrastructure, competition for scarce natural resources and environmental burden, which requires immediate action to stop it from becoming a climate catastrophe.
Neutrinovoltaic energy even operates underground. While most types of radiation are stopped by soil and rock, neutrinos pass directly through the Earth, and only a few materials are known to stop the movement of these ethereal particles. Neutrinovoltaic cells are compact, and they can be deployed anywhere either on the surface of the Earth or underground. Therefore, this technology also prevents the destruction of natural scenery caused by solar cells and wind farms.
At present, neutrinovoltaic technology has been demonstrated to work in laboratory settings, and Schubart and his team at the Neutrino Energy Group are hard at work developing a consumer-grade product that will be useful in a variety of applications. At first, the Neutrino Energy Group expects that neutrinovoltaic energy will be used to power smartphones, laptops, pacemakers, and other small devices, but over time, it will be possible to scale up this energy technology to the point that it can cover the electrical needs of appliances and every other type of power-drawing device within a household.
Unlike photovoltaic technology, neutrino energy can operate even when the sun goes down. Therefore, a world in which neutrino-powered trucks and industrial equipment are commonplace isn’t as far off as we’d think. Neutrinos have passed through the endless darkness to reach us here on Earth, and now the Neutrino Energy Group believes that it’s time for us to use these ghostly particles to light up humanity’s future.

Alexa can now read your Texts, WhatsApp, Facebook, Email and all other messages

For the first time, Alexa users can now hear ALL their messages and email read aloud.

Amazon’s Alexa has become a household name. The world’s most popular virtual assistant is getting smarter every day, and now with Amazon Echo Auto, it’s in your car too. 

“In today’s highly connected world, messaging in the form of emails, texts, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and work channels like Slack, are integral to our daily routine.” says Barrie Arnold, Co-Founder & CRO at ping. 

“Distracted driving is responsible for more than 25% of car crashes and thousands of preventable fatalities every year.” 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could ask Alexa to read your messages when checking your phone is dangerous and illegal – like driving, or simply inconvenient – like cooking or working with your hands. Now you can. 

ping, a specialist in voice technology, has developed a powerful new Alexa skill as a companion to its patented smartphone app, that enables the reading aloud of any message type. Designed for safety, productivity and convenience, “pingloud” is the first skill of its kind for keeping users connected when they need a hand or an extra pair of eyes.

“The ping Alexa skill is specifically designed to help drivers stay off their phones while giving them exactly what they want – access to their messages.” says Garin Toren, ping’s Founder & CEO. 

Opening up Alexa to developers has resulted in an explosion of new skills available either for free or for a fee that unlocks premium services or features. These powerful tools magnify the usefulness of your Alexa device beyond the common tasks like asking for the weather, playing a favorite music artist or requesting help on a homework assignment. According to App Annie the most downloaded apps in 2019 were Facebook Messenger, Facebook’s main app and WhatsApp, highlighting the importance of messaging. 

Once you’ve signed up for ping, it takes a few seconds to link with Alexa, enabling all your messages and emails to be read aloud by your smart speaker or Echo Auto device. Simply say, “Hey Alexa, open pingloud.” ping links your account to your voice profile so unauthorized users with access to your Alexa cannot ask for your messages.“The ping Android app is available worldwide from the Google Pay Store, reading all messages out loud in 30 languages. The iOS version is in global beta testing with the US launch coming very soon,” according to Toren.

All major message types are supported including Texts/SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Snapchat, Slack, Telegram, Twitter DM’s, Instagram and all email types. Promotional and social emails are not read by default.

About ping: “The future is voice.”

ping is patented, cross platform voice technology that allows users to hear all their messages and email read aloud, when touching their device is dangerous, illegal (driving) or inconvenient. Optional software-only telematics provides drivers, parents, fleets and auto insurers with extensive driving behavior analysis and reporting. The platform is also available as a white label app and SDK.

Press enquiries: +1 917 622 9900

The Set (1970) | Lost LGBT Film | Unavailable for 50 years

Bounty Films is excited to announce the he global release of The Set, the world’s first mainstream Queer film. Unavailable for over 50 years, it will now be available via Prime Video, Google Play, Yahoo Movies and Vimeo and on DVD via Amazon Prime on the 21st of February.

‘Reeling from his girlfriend’s sexual past, the sensitive Paul Lawrence (SEAN MYERS, Stork) runs off to Sydney in the hopes of attending art school. What he signs up to instead would end up shocking the nation! Paul becomes the protégé of decadent designer Marie Rosefield (BRENDA SENDERS, The Girl From Tomorrow) and through her, enters THE SET, the sensual and seductive world of the Sydney art scene. 

Swimming through this utopia of flamboyant men, camp queens and fierce sissies, Paul quickly begins exploring his own sexuality. Commissioned to work to a top stage director, he succumbs to the charms of the handsome Tony Brown (ROD MULLINAR, Breaker Morant), who is also going out with Paul’s cousin, Kim (BRONWYN BARBER). Although love finds a way through this thorny predicament, things soon turn violent for the young artist. Paul’s not the only one having a sexual awakening though. Elsewhere, his Aunty Peg (Logie award winner, HAZEL PHILLIPS), bored with her husband, is on the hunt for a BIG BROWN BOY, and she’ll do anything to quench her thirst!’ 

Based on the novel by iconic Australian actor, ROGER WARD (Max Mad), The Set shocked and thrilled Australian audiences upon its initial release with its frank depiction of sex and nudity. More than just titillation, The Set challenged traditional notions of sexuality and gender, and depicted a progressive Australia where same-sex relationships were considered equal. Although a box office success, The Set was a critical failure and fell into obscurity for 50 years! Until now… 

Bounty Films is extremely proud to bring this important film screaming back into the public conscience via VOD and a deluxe 2-disc release packed with HOURS of bonus content, including Roger Ward’s original novel. Stream Now Prime Video:

Education suppliers upbeat on growth, expansion in Middle East

Exhibitors at the 13th edition of the Global Educational Supplies and Solutions (GESS) exhibition in Dubai see bright business prospects in the Middle East, as schools throughout the region look to enhance their competitiveness by adopting innovative solutions and latest technologies.

Business owners say the many public and private sector initiatives undertaken during the past few years – such as establishing quality assurance authorities, building guidelines, and encouraging technology-driven education and smart initiatives, among others – have all combined to help improve the quality of education.

In addition, exhibitors welcome having a platform such as GESS, where they can meet key decision-makers from a burgeoning education market and who are increasingly allocating budgets to acquire a wide range of products and solutions.

“We’ve worked very hard to set up this platform where companies can explore new or enhance existing business by connecting them with the right people. Our key buyers programme has been the conduit through which we have made this happen, and we are glad that exhibitors are finding the right audience at the event,” said Sarah Palmer, Marketing and Conference Director, Tarsus, organisers of the event.

For his part, Eng. Mohammad S. Almadani, Chief Executive Officer of Classera Middle East, said GESS Dubai is an important part of their expansion strategy in this part of the world. “We are here with the mission to transform the education by using technology in close cooperation with ministries of education in the region. It is the most significant show for us, not just in the UAE, but throughout the whole Middle East.”

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, the US-based company has local offices in Jeddah, Oman, Cairo, and Dubai. “Classera has the biggest market share of K-12 using its smart learning solutions in the Middle East,” Almadani said.

Dr. John Collick, Head of International Education Strategy at Promethean, said, “We established business in the Middle East many years ago. We see a significant year on year growth of our company and expect a huge opportunity in developmental projects in the region which is why we participate in GESS Dubai.”

The company already has projects in the region. Last year, the global education technology provider had been appointed by the Egyptian Ministry of Education as a strategic partner to enhance teaching digitally and learning throughout the country. The partnership will see the Promethean ActivPanel upgrade 26,000 existing school classrooms and installed in new ‘Intelligent Classrooms’, which will be constructed over the next three years to bolster the country’s education provision.

Besides the UAE, education suppliers are also setting their sights on opportunities now opening up in Saudi Arabia. Representatives from the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority shared updates on the kingdom’s education-focused initiatives at the event, saying deals have been closed and licenses issued to several prominent education institutions, such as GEMS Education, Kaplan, Astrolabs and Education First, among many others.

Seven more deals are in the pipeline with US- and UK-based institutions, with an expected combined capital investment of over $1bn to be poured into Saudi Arabia’s education sector.

Support for small businesses

For the past few years, GESS has become the go-to platform for education start-ups keen to showcase their products to a growing market. Face-Up Co-Founder & COO David Spunar said, “The feedback is good, we received a good number of enquiries and hope to get the right partner in the region.”

Launched three years ago, FaceUp is a web and mobile platform through which students can anonymously report bullying and other issues their peers are facing to their school counselors.

Touch Education is another start-up from Lebanon. Its Chief Executive Officer Moussa Sweidan said, “In a world of rapid change, young people need the right mix of skills to thrive. Although academic skills are important, they are not sufficient to foster thoughtful, productive and engaged citizens.”

Robotics is a solution by Touch Education, a forerunner in education technology. The Robotics programme has been developed as a result of collaborative innovation within the renowned education sector.

She said, “In Lebanon, we have many schools using our products. We are focusing on KG students. Every group works with one robot.”

The three-day education conference and exhibition recently concluded at the Dubai World Trade Centre. It was held in partnership with the UAE’s Ministry of Education and also supported by the Ministry of Education Bahrain, Ministry of Education Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arab Bureau of Education for Gulf States (ABEGS), British Schools in the Middle East (BSME) and Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) as Knowledge Partner.

“We are delighted to see another successful edition of GESS Dubai. The aim of the event is to help improve educational services in the region by providing a platform to share knowledge and best practice as well as key products and solutions that will improve the delivery of education across classrooms in the region,” added Palmer, who announced that a special GESS Leaders in Education Edtech Summit will be held in Dubai on October 6-7 later this year, hosted by the Middle East School Leadership Conference, and designed specifically for educators who directly influence purchasing as well as school owners who direct strategy and training in the edtech sphere.

The GESS exhibition and conference returns to Dubai on March 2-4, 2021 at DWTC.

Dar.Ra releases ‘Whisky n Honey’ EP featuring “The Lights Dark Night Remix’

Renowned Irish rock solo artist Dar.Ra is at it again and this time with a release which fans have been hoping for with the release of his new EP ‘Whiskey n Honey’ which features “The Lights Dark Night Remix’ plus an addition remix of the title track, ‘Neon Fantasy’ remix.

Dar.Ra known for his rock anthems and recent hit album ‘New Kinda Normal’ has recently been making a push towards a new EDM style combining both the rock music and EDM genres to create something truly unique to the artist, allowing for the creation of the style he calls Rock Step. The combination of genres is already proving itself to be a hit with Dar.Ra’s dedicated fan base and following having countless streams and shares across all of the major social media sites by fans of both EDM and rock music.

The EP kicks off with the Title track ‘Whiskey n Honey’ which is a soulful Gothic ballad and tells a tale of a guy that gives up his life in pursuit of a neon fantasy, fast love and temporary highs and exchanged for a loving family who he leaves behind. The tale ultimately ends in the subject’s demise through a realization that everything he does is hollow and meaningless. The track has a David Bowie feel about it, with echoes of Robert Fripp type guitars that you hear in the Fashion and Fame classics.

“The Lights Dark Night Remix” also features alongside the title track and has an EDM style running through its veins and also comes with an official lyric video that has already proven to be a huge success and a benchmark in the artists career as we head forward into the year 2020 with full force.

Followers can keep up to date with Dar.Ra on his various social media accounts as he creates new sounds of rock and EDM inspired music which is guaranteed to be unique and fresh for listeners this year in 2020.

The brand new EP Whisky n Honey by Dar.Ra along with the official lyric videos, are both now available to stream online via Youtube.