Major Governments Are Embracing Sci-Fi Energy Technologies: Neutrino Energy Is Next

Long derided as the subject of conspiracy theories, cold fusion research is now taking the fore in the energy policies of major national governments. According to a recent journal article, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) is now funneling major funding into nuclear fusion technologies. The Neutrino Energy Group is confident that this shift toward the fringe of existing energy science is ushering in an era in which gathering massive amounts of electrical energy from neutrinos doesn’t seem so far-fetched.  

From Crackpot Theories to Department of Energy Policies  

Proponents of this next-generation nuclear fusion initiative are, of course, careful to avoid using the term “cold fusion” due to its association with fringe science. Theoretical forms of “hot fusion,” which replicate the energy-producing conditions inside of stars, are even less practical here on Earth than their colder counterparts, however, raising serious questions about which direction heavily-funded projects like the DOE’s INFUSE program are heading.  

Whether the nuclear fusion the United States government is currently pursuing is “hot” or “cold,” this high-investment foray into what many considered a dead science is highly intriguing. Existing renewable energy technologies, such as wind, solar, and geothermal, clearly aren’t delivering the world-economy-reshaping results that many green energy investors predicted, driving sustainable energy research into previously unexplored segments of next-generation science.  

Cold Fusion Today, Neutrino Energy Tomorrow  

Over time, policymakers and investors are starting to realize that our generation’s energy problems require next-generation solutions. A decade ago, generating electrical energy from passing neutrinos seemed even less likely than finally cracking the secrets of cold fusion. In 2015, however, scientists proved that neutrinos have mass, and ever since, this sci-fi technology has taken center stage as the future’s most promising energy solution.  

No matter how much investment is poured into this project, it’s unlikely that mass-scale implementation of nuclear fusion will ever become a reality. The 1970s-era push to delegitimize nuclear power has had a multigenerational impact, and the dangers of this technology remain too clear and present for many still traumatized by the horrors of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.  

The Neutrino Energy Group Is Ready for the Challenge  

Neutrino power, however, is free of stigma. Led by renowned energy scientist Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is hard at work developing consumer-level devices that harness the power of passing neutrinos for energy production.  

In contrast to nuclear fusion, which must be accomplished at a central location, neutrino power is decentralized, which allows individuals, families, and communities to generate endless energy off the grid. Unlike wind and solar power, neutrino power devices operate constantly regardless of illumination or environmental conditions and Prof. Dr. Ing. habil Günther Krause, German Minister under Helmut Kohl and leading member of the International Scientific Board proposed Neutrino Power Cube would be small enough to generate sustainable power anywhere. Support the bold vision of the Neutrino Energy Group to give humanity the future of freedom we deserve.

Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, Massive Live Event Goes Livestream And Offers Scholarships To Entrepreneurs And Business Owners

A large live event, Entrepreneur City Live, has gone livestream for its upcoming event. The live version that was due to launch in Atlanta, has been postponed until the fall. In an effort to support business owners and entrepreneurs who have been hit hard with the pandemic, host and digital disruptor Danielle Fitzpatrick Clark, is gifting the livestream event tickets to all those who are looking to build and scale their business in the online space.

The livestream event takes place virtually and is livestream from April 23-25th. Attendees can sign up at and receive a complimentary ticket to the event and all the trainings. For those that can’t make the entire livestream, replays of each training will be available until May 1st.

Entrepreneur City Live has been creating live events for two years geared specifically to helping entrepreneurs build successful and scalable business, with a special emphasis on building online businesses.

These live events show attendees how to implement digital marketing tactics in simplified ways, that gain traction in business development, and take business owners through processes and methodologies that have them scaling to 6-figures and beyond efficiently and in less time compared with other trainings and services being offered in the U.S.

During this event attendees will receive workable tactics on how to implement lead generation; how to create a plan that takes cold prospects to paying clients (a 300% conversion); how to turn a 5-day work week into a 2-day with productivity tips and tricks that work; secrets to taking a Facebook advertising strategy to the next level and put a plan in place where every $1 spent equates to $3 sold; how to turn a business owner’s expertise into programs and courses that create transformation and real results; how to create a speaking platform offline and online that creates a full calendar of bookings.

“Every time I go to one of these events, I 10X my income, impact and influence with my business. This is the must-attend small business and entrepreneurial event of the year!” ~Erin Strayer of The Erin Strayer Show~

Entrepreneur City Livestream Event has limited spots available and it’s first come first serve for the free online tickets. For more information email  and register for your ticket at

Neutrino Energy Is the Solution to Economic Downturn and Energy Scarcity

Ongoing economic turmoil is majorly affecting the fossil fuel industry. Across the world, gasoline prices have fallen precipitously, which is harming fossil fuel producers more than it harms renewable energy.   In the United States alone, renewable energy is set to make up for 20% of all energy needs in 2020. This major shift in American energy consumption is occurring at the same time that many oil companies are desperately attempting to avoid bankruptcy due to prices that just hit rock-bottom.  

The future of energy security  

Rapidly fluctuating pricing within the oil industry is just one sign of the impending collapse of the fossil fuel empire. Many types of renewable energy are now cheaper than fossil fuels, leading to increased interest in “going green” among state and local governments across the United States.     

Another major reason driving this shift toward renewables is that they are seen as more reliable and dependable in the event of widespread supply chain disruption due to an economic downturn. While renewable energy sources require maintenance, they don’t require a steady influx of oil to operate.  

Regardless of how diplomatic relationships with oil producers across the world might wax and wane, nations and local governments still have access to the energy they need with renewables. Each existing renewable energy technology, however, has inherent issues that limit the utility of green energy in fighting economic instability.  

Neutrino energy for a sustainable future  

To create a comprehensive network of green energy technologies, it’s necessary to make up for the limits of wind, solar, and geothermal energy. Windmills only operate in windy conditions, and solar panels only operate in daylight. While efficient, geothermal energy only works in certain select areas of the world. Each of these renewable energy technologies is highly useful, but the gaps need to be filled with an energy technology that operates anywhere, anytime.  

In 2015, scientists discovered that neutrinos have mass, and ever since, researchers around the world have sought to capture the mass of these ethereal particles for energy. A few years later, this incredible feat of science and engineering has been accomplished, and the widespread use of neutrino-based energy generation devices is already on the horizon.  

The Neutrino Energy Group is the solution  

Founded by Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is a multinational alliance of energy scientists and neutrino researchers united by a common goal: delivering consumer-level neutrino energy technologies within the next few years. Starting with the Neutrino Power Cube, these next-generation devices will allow off-grid lifestyles and spur unprecedented innovation. With your support, the Neutrino Energy Group will achieve its goals for the sake of humanity even sooner.  

Authors: Wilken Stephenson & Mark Gordon

Clever App features Easter Bunny wearing Covid-19 Face Mask


A highly rated Easter Bunny app might bring a moment of relief to quarantined parents of skeptical children, many of whom will be asking Mom and Dad if the Easter Bunny is still coming despite stay at home orders. With fears about the Covid-19 Pandemic worldwide this new Easter related app is designed to bring a bit of joy to these uncertain times.

After downloading the free app, parents use their phone to snap a photo of a room or garden at their house, and then add one of the app’s Bunny stickers to the photo. The app’s sticker library includes an Easter Bunny wearing a face mask. 

On Easter Sunday, the kids will be delighted to see a photo on their parents phone which proves the Easter Bunny’s visit, and can share the photo with distant friends and family.

As well as adding a little joy to the season, the app is also a great way to spread awareness, adding a safety touch too. Many companies have been adapting to this new way of life with various apps and resources.

From your phone, click here to download the free app.