Veteran Bay Area Rapper Thug Misses Joins Forces with Eargazm Music Group for New Track “YFN”

2020 was a tough year for everyone, but particularly those in the entertainment industry–especially musicians.

With live concerts coming to a screeching halt, many artists’ livelihoods, even major ones, took a hit. However, many more decided to use the time off stage to bunker down in the studio to let the creativity fly. And with that creativity, there were also opportunities for artistic collaboration. 

Veteran Bay Area Rapper Thug Misses didn’t let the pandemic keep her from creating memorable new tracks or partnerships. In fact, it was one of her most fruitful years ever. 

Now in the music industry for over two decades, Thug Misses writes, records and mixes most of her own work. As a single mother to one daughter, Her purpose is to show that girls and women can do anything they put their minds to. Her signature sound is an combination of smooth sexy sounds and hardcore rap–always with a unique East Bay flavor.

“2020 was the year to really find myself as an artist, studying my craft and rebranding myself. 2021 is the year of takeover!” commented Thug Misses. 

Last year, Thug Misses reconnected with JG, the founder of Sacramento-based Eargazm Music Group, known for work with Eve, Kanye West, and Common, to collaborate on her newest track YFN.

“I’m really expanding myself and digging deep into my art to push the boundaries of my music. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and with my new singles YFN and Stand by Me creating an entire new sound for myself,” she added.

Together, Thug Misses and JG were both in a position to structure their business model in a way that capitalized on resources that each one of them possessed. This laid the groundwork for a strong 2021 presence by rebranding Thug Misses as a well rounded artist with the ability to reach a bigger audience.

For Thug Misses, this collaboration is just the beginning of a career that feels like it’s about to take off full force. 

“I have some big projects coming up with Empire but not really able to really speak on that yet..but stay tuned 2021 I have a lot of good things coming out!” 

Follow Thug Misses on her Instagram and watch YFN on YouTube here


Bay Area rapper Camille “Thug Misses” Carlos is a black and latina rap artist. She’s been in the rap game for over 20 years now. At the beginning of her storied career, she was signed to the West Coast Mafia/ Awol records label. Eventually she branched off into an indie artist. Camille has a bachelor’s degree in Sound Arts. She is a recent graduate of Expression College graduating 2018. Camille writes, records and mixes most of her own work. Camille is a single mother of one daughter, a strong, determined woman who wants to inspire little girls to do anything men can do and more! Camille loves mixing hardcore rap with smooth sexy melodic sounds. Her latest single with Eargazm Music Group,“Stand by Me,” features R’N’B singer L.J., and is an homage to New Edition. Her love for music has blended gangster rap with a commercial vibe. Camille has a passion for supporting the LGBTQ+ community, inspiring young girls, and spreading the West Coast vibe in the most creative ways. More information can be found here

Nic’s Keto Diet may improve markers of cardiovascular Health

Prof. Nikolaos Tzenios PH.D. may have found the golden grail of Health and the optimal diet where eating a fatty diet reduces body weight and improves cardiovascular health markers.

The high-quality clinical research organization “KGK Science” Canada investigated Nic’s Keto Diet’s efficacy on cardiovascular Health in an open-label clinical study.

“KGK Science” examined healthy men and women with mildly elevated LDL cholesterol levels over a period of 140 days. The study’s findings have shown that participants had a significant 4.41% reduction in body fat percentage. Participants body weight was significantly reduced by 8.55kg.After five months of adherence to the diet plan, participants showed a significant decrease in their total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, an increase in the HDL cholesterol, the “good cholesterol,” and a significant reduction in blood sugar levels. Overall, the study results suggest that Nic’s Keto Diet may be used to improve body composition and markers of cardiovascular Health.

Professor Nikolaos Tzenios is a Professor of Public Health, Member of the European Medical Association’s Scientific board. Fellow of The Royal Society for Public Health (UK), ASSOCIATE ACADEMICIAN of the International Academy of Social Sciences, Member of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ANTI-AGING MEDICINE, Member of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine, Member of The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Member of the Royal Society of Biology. For more information, visit:

Em is Set to Ascend the Charts in Soulful Shades of Goth Pop with Hypnotic Single/Video “Say What You Mean”

Em is a dazzling and highly purposed new singer/songwriter who – after a decade-plus of intense study and experiences – stands at the precipice of a breakthrough via her astounding new song and video, “Say What You Mean.”

The piece weds pointed lyrics about forthrightness in a relationship to an otherworldly yet pop-friendly musical sound-scape. Produced by Chris Young, the song is the centerpiece of the lady’s self-titled 7-song EP, Em (single distributed via The Sound of L.A. Records).

New Jersey-native Em (short for Emily) elucidates, “Music is a very spiritual experience for me. ’Say What You Mean’ is a universal message and represents the ethereal, emotional side of my writing. I’m a huge romantic and 100% ‘in’ when I’m in a relationship. ‘Say What You Mean’ is about wanting someone to love me with every fiber of their being… to be as sure of our love as I am.”

Em’s sensually and supernaturally mesmerizing video was helmed by Parris Mayhew. Em is dressed in a provocative gown, her raven hair streaked in white, deep red lipstick setting off bewitching green eyes and mystical elements such as ghostly clones, tarot cards and raindrops that turn to tears. Scenes of Em in her boudoir and wandering through her glass house visually capture the dichotomy of a vulnerable woman longing to be wholly adored. “My video is a little reminiscent of Lana Del Rey in her storytelling and the way it portrays ‘The Divine Feminine’ in a cinematic style,’ Em states. “Women of today but through a of `50s and `60s lens. The raindrops represent teardrops and renewal – a cleansing of the spirit, and what you won’t tolerate in your aura and around you.”

Highly prolific and purposed, Em is already in the midst of completing another EP before year’s end, working with famed Motown producer Michael B. Sutton (Sound of Los Angeles Records) and Gregor Stobie of Glasgow, Scotland. After a long climb to self-actualization as a woman and artist, Em is ready for her close up. “My mission is to help people heal, and connect closer to God and their truth.”

For more information about Em, contact…

American Songwriter shares “Lost In Translation,” a Melancholic Soul Classic

We’re unfortunately conditioned to think of the singer/songwriter in certain terms. There’s usually an acoustic guitar involved. More strum than beat. The endeavor of packing more syllables than are available into a couplet. And so on. But, as reported today by our friends at AMERICAN SONGWRITER, LA-based upstart Emma Negrete is a whole other story. The publication shares the artist’s video for “Lost In Translation,” a track packed with so much truly good stuff that its function is much less ‘just another tune’ and much more a reveal of the inevitability of its singer/songwriter to become a real force in popular music.

In a world ever-primed for battle, the first few strains of “Lost In Translation” find Negrete already self-possessed enough to know that there’s inherent strength in vulnerability. She’s even self-effacing, singing “I’ve become a coffee shop regular…”. But then, in a world of f-you salvos and restless anger, she gives us something we’re not used to– acceptance: “You are gonna feel how you are gonna feel/I will always feel how I will always feel.” For that, the song is a tearjerker, because it reminds us that, at some point, we’re going to have to give up and move on. That’s the painful part, and Negrete sings it like she’s lived it…

“God is always wrong in the Devil’s eyes/So, it’s safe to say that we were both right.”

One of L.A.’s best kept secrets, via Chicago and the comfy Midwest hub of Des Moines, Negrete started performing when she was 7 years old, spending many subsequent years participating in many choirs and ensembles with a wide variety of genres. She studied opera during high school and went on to study vocal performance in the jazz conservatory at the Chicago College of Performing Arts.

She performed in many venues around Chicago with her band, which inspired her to pursue music full time and move to Los Angeles, California. Negrete, pioneer of soulful pop, incredibly powerful voice immensely influenced by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Nicks, Beyonce and Lauryn Hill. Indeed, Negrete has an economical style and a talent for note bending that is truly unique and I do believe not a single wasted note among the mere six songs appearing on her forthcoming debut EP on Business Records “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, dropping February 12, 2021.

Negrete’s stinging, emotional leads are highlighted throughout atmospheric straight-up Soulful Pop pieces “Lost In Translation“, “Strawberry Moon” and “Magma”. Negrete’s voice catches fire on “Living in the Post” and “Absent”, this EP is 110% Emma Negrete, In full blow-them-away mode, Soultastic! Tasteful and timeless surprises for all music lovers. Emma Negrete, a soulful singer who is not adverse to pop or rock, sings with hardly any divisions, blues, soul, jazz and rock together in one melting pot of pop culture and bonded by the new, loud sound of millennial music… every phrase is a statement.

Emma’s traveled a lot of hard roads, even spending a year abroad in China, where she was greatly humbled and forced to face her darkest truths in a world of isolation… the real quarantine. Through her music she expresses her moments of clarity and the process of gaining back the control of her own mind. Now with her debut single “Lost In Translation” and EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, Negrete is at her best filling the world with timeless repertoire, well composed and relatable soon to be classic songs, not to mention a hefty injection of Worldy-Soulful Pop!

Negrete often writes about the people, observations, self-realizations, culture, and struggles she experienced while living overseas, hence, “Lost In Translation.” In her own words “I write at my best when I am very passionate about particular philosophies that stem from self realizations and a change in perspective. I find that if I have purposeful lyrics first, everything else will fall into place”.

Negrete’s biggest mission in the world is to share that changing your entire mindset for the better does exist and for people to feel the same amount of selfless love for themselves that she has found. It doesn’t come naturally for most people, it’s a muscle you have to exercise every day.
Emma Negrete “Lost In Translation” and the EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm” will be available on Cassette, CD, Vinyl, Digital and all Streaming platforms.


For more information visit:

Spaceman Releases ‘Obedience Training’

In October Spaceman released Fascist Utopia, a project whose cover depicted an apocalyptically saccharine hellscape of state-enforced “harmony” and “good will”. That the cover depicted a decidedly Trump-esque figure was of minor consequence to him, the central point, of the hypocrisy of a society more interested in surface level appearances than material substance, had been made.

“Now, with Trump no longer able to function as scapegoat for our troubles as a society, it felt only fitting to replace his likeness within the Fascist Utopia with our new Dear Leader, and remind the world that though the faces may change, the lies we are told by institutional power remain the same. I’m celebrating this occasion (and the launch of a new website The release of a new single “Obedience Training” which should be available now on all DSPs as well as the full Fascist Utopia: Regime Change edition available on Bandcamp.”

– Said Spaceman

Obedience Training is the latest single from Fascist Utopia: Regime Change project.


Spaceman is a hip hop artist, hailing from Long Island, New York, who for more than a decade has been successfully carving a niche for himself in a scene increasingly populated by soundalikes and clones.

Listen and buy here:

American Songwriter Shares Emma Negrete’s “Lost In Translation”

We’re unfortunately conditioned to think of the singer/songwriter in certain terms.

There’s usually an acoustic guitar involved. More strum than beat. The endeavor of packing more syllables than are available into a couplet. And so on. But, as reported today by our friends at AMERICAN SONGWRITER, LA-based upstart Emma Negrete is a whole other story. The publication shares the artist’s video for “Lost In Translation,” a track packed with so much truly good stuff that its function is much less ‘just another tune’ and much more a reveal of the inevitability of its singer/songwriter to become a real force in popular music. 

In a world ever-primed for battle, the first few strains of “Lost In Translation” find Negrete already self-possessed enough to know that there’s inherent strength in vulnerability. She’s even self-effacing, singing “I’ve become a coffee shop regular…”. But then, in a world of f-you salvos and restless anger, she gives us something we’re not used to– acceptance: “You are gonna feel how you are gonna feel/I will always feel how I will always feel.” For that, the song is a tearjerker, because it reminds us that, at some point, we’re going to have to give up and move on. That’s the painful part, and Negrete sings it like she’s lived it…

“God is always wrong in the Devil’s eyes/So, it’s safe to say that we were both right.” 

One of L.A.’s best kept secrets, via Chicago and the comfy Midwest hub of Des Moines, Negrete started performing when she was 7 years old, spending many subsequent years participating in many choirs and ensembles with a wide variety of genres. She studied opera during high school and went on to study vocal performance in the jazz conservatory at the Chicago College of Performing Arts. 

She performed in many venues around Chicago with her band, which inspired her to pursue music full time and move to Los Angeles, California. Negrete, pioneer of soulful pop, incredibly powerful voice immensely influenced by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Nicks, Beyonce and Lauryn Hill. Indeed, Negrete has an economical style and a talent for note bending that is truly unique and I do believe not a single wasted note among the mere six songs appearing on her forthcoming debut EP on Business Records “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, dropping February 12, 2021.

Negrete’s stinging, emotional leads are highlighted throughout atmospheric straight-up Soulful Pop pieces “Lost In Translation“, “Strawberry Moon” and “Magma”. Negrete’s voice catches fire on “Living in the Post” and “Absent”, this EP is 110% Emma Negrete, In full blow-them-away mode, Soultastic! Tasteful and timeless surprises for all music lovers. Emma Negrete, a soulful singer who is not adverse to pop or rock, sings with hardly any divisions, blues, soul, jazz and rock together in one melting pot of pop culture and bonded by the new, loud sound of millennial music… every phrase is a statement.

Emma’s traveled a lot of hard roads, even spending a year abroad in China, where she was greatly humbled and forced to face her darkest truths in a world of isolation… the real quarantine. Through her music she expresses her moments of clarity and the process of gaining back the control of her own mind. Now with her debut single “Lost In Translation” and EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, Negrete is at her best filling the world with timeless repertoire, well composed and relatable soon to be classic songs, not to mention a hefty injection of Worldy-Soulful Pop !

Negrete often writes about the people, observations, self-realizations, culture, and struggles she experienced while living overseas, hence, “Lost In Translation.” In her own words “I write at my best when I am very passionate about particular philosophies that stem from self realizations and a change in perspective. I find that if I have purposeful lyrics first, everything else will fall into place”. 

Negrete’s biggest mission in the world is to share that changing your entire mindset for the better does exist and for people to feel the same amount of selfless love for themselves that she has found. It doesn’t come naturally for most people, it’s a muscle you have to exercise every day. 

Emma Negrete “Lost In Translation” and the EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm” will be available on Cassette, CD, Vinyl, Digital and all Streaming platforms.


For more information, visit:

Frank Palangi’s New Music Video Says ‘Bring On The Fear’

Frank Palangi an indie rock recording artist is freshly homegrown in Upstate New York who pours the fuel on the genre that refuses to die.

Continuing on with the 4th installment (Break These Chains – Set Me Free – Gone Mad), Palangi brings in the COVID situation with a tale of caution shedding light with the message that we are all in this together, to use faith to face your fear, without hate.

2020/2021 marks a new COVID unknown path in the music industry but ever so determined Palangi is still accomplishing goals as he says “I had no plan in backing down on my dreams”, marks his life’s mission statement. Seeing the start of Youtube and the rise of social platforms, it changed the field of how to get music out and Frank worked on being on top that game. If things took longer than expected, then it’s meant to be he believes, but still with having an admirable stubbornness to his tenacity of not giving up. The big choke in the music business is that you think you’ll become an over night success fast, that’s not the case. He saw the business side mixed with the passion, relentless work, rejection, and a bit of extra faith.

“Palangi’s positivity extends beyond his music into the way he interacts with his fans. ” — Guitar World.

Frank’s debut self distribution release started with the 2011’s “Frank Palangi EP” featuring the single I’m Waiting from music mecca Nashville, TN. After traveling around from TN, VA, NY with self funded releases including I Am Ready EP (Receiving an LA Music Award single Nomination), Hope (Single), Set Me Free EP, Bring On The Fear EP. Influenced by bands from the 80’s (Metallica, Ozzy, Def Leppard, Megadeth), 90’s (Creed, Godsmack, 3 Doors Down, Drowing Pool), 2000’s (Daughtry, Three Days Grace, Shinedown, Hinder)

Visit the website:





American Songwriter Shares Emma Negrete’s “Lost In Translation”

We’re unfortunately conditioned to think of the singer/songwriter in certain terms. There’s usually an acoustic guitar involved. More strum than beat. The endeavor of packing more syllables than are available into a couplet. And so on. But, as reported today by our friends at AMERICAN SONGWRITER, LA-based upstart Emma Negrete is a whole other story. The publication shares the artist’s video for “Lost In Translation,” a track packed with so much truly good stuff that its function is much less ‘just another tune’ and much more a reveal of the inevitability of its singer/songwriter to become a real force in popular music. 

In a world ever-primed for battle, the first few strains of “Lost In Translation” find Negrete already self-possessed enough to know that there’s inherent strength in vulnerability. She’s even self-effacing, singing “I’ve become a coffee shop regular…”. But then, in a world of f-you salvos and restless anger, she gives us something we’re not used to – acceptance: “You are gonna feel how you are gonna feel/I will always feel how I will always feel.” For that, the song is a tearjerker, because it reminds us that, at some point, we’re going to have to give up and move on. That’s the painful part, and Negrete sings it like she’s lived it…

“God is always wrong in the Devil’s eyes/So, it’s safe to say that we were both right.” 

One of L.A.’s best kept secrets, via Chicago and the comfy Midwest hub of Des Moines, Negrete started performing when she was 7 years old, spending many subsequent years participating in many choirs and ensembles with a wide variety of genres. She studied opera during high school and went on to study vocal performance in the jazz conservatory at the Chicago College of Performing Arts. 

She performed in many venues around Chicago with her band, which inspired her to pursue music full time and move to Los Angeles, California. Negrete, pioneer of soulful pop, incredibly powerful voice immensely influenced by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Nicks, Beyonce and Lauryn Hill. Indeed, Negrete has an economical style and a talent for note bending that is truly unique and I do believe not a single wasted note among the mere six songs appearing on her forthcoming debut EP on Business Records “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, dropping February 12, 2021.

Negrete’s stinging, emotional leads are highlighted throughout atmospheric straight-up Soulful Pop pieces “Lost In Translation“, “Strawberry Moon” and “Magma”. Negrete’s voice catches fire on “Living in the Post” and “Absent”, this EP is 110% Emma Negrete, In full blow-them-away mode, Soultastic! Tasteful and timeless surprises for all music lovers. Emma Negrete, a soulful singer who is not adverse to pop or rock, sings with hardly any divisions, blues, soul, jazz and rock together in one melting pot of pop culture and bonded by the new, loud sound of millennial music… every phrase is a statement.

Emma’s traveled a lot of hard roads, even spending a year abroad in China, where she was greatly humbled and forced to face her darkest truths in a world of isolation… the real quarantine. Through her music she expresses her moments of clarity and the process of gaining back the control of her own mind. Now with her debut single “Lost In Translation” and EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, Negrete is at her best filling the world with timeless repertoire, well composed and relatable soon to be classic songs, not to mention a hefty injection of Worldy-Soulful Pop!

Negrete often writes about the people, observations, self-realizations, culture, and struggles she experienced while living overseas, hence, “Lost In Translation.” In her own words “I write at my best when I am very passionate about particular philosophies that stem from self realizations and a change in perspective. I find that if I have purposeful lyrics first, everything else will fall into place”. 

Negrete’s biggest mission in the world is to share that changing your entire mindset for the better does exist and for people to feel the same amount of selfless love for themselves that she has found. It doesn’t come naturally for most people, it’s a muscle you have to exercise every day. 

Emma Negrete “Lost In Translation” and the EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm” will be available on Cassette, CD, Vinyl, Digital and all Streaming platforms:


For more information, visit:

New Single ‘Come And Get Me Now’ from Young Pals Music, offers musical tonic amid these restless times

Ayhan Sahin’s fourth solo single marks the finale release from the long-awaited full-length collaborative project “Pop”.

The upcoming and long awaited album “Pop” features iconic artists of pop music’s timeline such as The Village People’s iconic cowboy Randy Jones, platinum selling artist Anita Ward, veteran recording artists Jerri BoKeno along with Keith Fluitt, Christi Bauerlee, and David Keeley. All songs are cowritten and coproduced by Ayhan Sahin with hit songwriter Bernadette O’Reilly who has also worked for three decades in music management and Artist Development… Overall, the singles released from the POP album saw critical recognition from award shows winning awards for categories, “Best Pop Song”, “Best Video” and “Best Singer.” Last but not least, Randy Jones’ single “Hard Times’” hit the Billboard Charts to claim a one month run on the Dance charts building a legendary status for Randy to be the only member of The Village People who achieved success as a charting solo artist.

Ayhan Sahin’s fourth single from “Pop” comes at a moment to reveal the reality of these times. Boldly written, the new song “Come And Get Me Now” opens up with all odds at stake as Sahin gets into emotion immediately, Singing “Don’t have another song in me.” Having the potential of establishing an immediate concern. Sahin contiunues: “I’m losing all my gravity, I’ll count to three and scream” Feeling the urgency of the singer’s plea for a saviour, it never gets old or redundant to hear the repeating verse always followed by the loud and direct message “Come and Get MeNow. The song spies a Bowie influence with pure harmonic ABBA-esque backing vocals. It’s a melody-driven retro-pop redux. If this was the writer’s intention, they nailed it.

London producer/remixer Tim Cox brings two fresh club mixes to the table. (“Tim Cox Club Mix” and its radio edit “Come And Get Me Now (Tim Cox Remix)” which is released with the single.

Sahin finalized the launch with a music video that was shot at the beach during the summer of 2020. He says “ I shot this video with my phone with little cost but tremendous care and endless hours of work knowing that this year is all about appreciation, tolerance and hopeYoung Pals Music has also released a photo book of pictures taken during the shooting of the video at the exquisite boardwalk and beaches of a deserted Fire Island:

Emma Negrete’s “Lost In Translation,” a Melancholic Soul Classic Shared by American Songwriter

We’re unfortunately conditioned to think of the singer/songwriter in certain terms. There’s usually an acoustic guitar involved. More strum than beat. The endeavor of packing more syllables than are available into a couplet. And so on. But, as reported today by our friends at AMERICAN SONGWRITER, LA-based upstart Emma Negrete is a whole other story. The publication shares the artist’s video for “Lost In Translation,” a track packed with so much truly good stuff that its function is much less ‘just another tune’ and much more a reveal of the inevitability of its singer/songwriter to become a real force in popular music. 

In a world ever-primed for battle, the first few strains of “Lost In Translation” find Negrete already self-possessed enough to know that there’s inherent strength in vulnerability. She’s even self-effacing, singing “I’ve become a coffee shop regular…”. But then, in a world of f-you salvos and restless anger, she gives us something we’re not used to – acceptance: “You are gonna feel how you are gonna feel/I will always feel how I will always feel.” For that, the song is a tearjerker, because it reminds us that, at some point, we’re going to have to give up and move on. That’s the painful part, and Negrete sings it like she’s lived it…

“God is always wrong in the Devil’s eyes/So, it’s safe to say that we were both right.” 

One of L.A.’s best kept secrets, via Chicago and the comfy Midwest hub of Des Moines, Negrete started performing when she was 7 years old, spending many subsequent years participating in many choirs and ensembles with a wide variety of genres. She studied opera during high school and went on to study vocal performance in the jazz conservatory at the Chicago College of Performing Arts. 

She performed in many venues around Chicago with her band, which inspired her to pursue music full time and move to Los Angeles, California. Negrete, pioneer of soulful pop, incredibly powerful voice immensely influenced by the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Nicks, Beyonce and Lauryn Hill. Indeed, Negrete has an economical style and a talent for note bending that is truly unique and I do believe not a single wasted note among the mere six songs appearing on her forthcoming debut EP on Business Records “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, dropping February 12, 2021.

Negrete’s stinging, emotional leads are highlighted throughout atmospheric straight-up Soulful Pop pieces “Lost In Translation“, “Strawberry Moon” and “Magma”. Negrete’s voice catches fire on “Living in the Post” and “Absent”, this EP is 110% Emma Negrete, In full blow-them-away mode, Soultastic! Tasteful and timeless surprises for all music lovers. Emma Negrete, a soulful singer who is not adverse to pop or rock, sings with hardly any divisions, blues, soul, jazz and rock together in one melting pot of pop culture and bonded by the new, loud sound of millennial music… every phrase is a statement.

Emma’s traveled a lot of hard roads, even spending a year abroad in China, where she was greatly humbled and forced to face her darkest truths in a world of isolation… the real quarantine. Through her music she expresses her moments of clarity and the process of gaining back the control of her own mind. Now with her debut single “Lost In Translation” and EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm”, Negrete is at her best filling the world with timeless repertoire, well composed and relatable soon to be classic songs, not to mention a hefty injection of Worldy-Soulful Pop!

Negrete often writes about the people, observations, self-realizations, culture, and struggles she experienced while living overseas, hence, “Lost In Translation.” In her own words “I write at my best when I am very passionate about particular philosophies that stem from self realizations and a change in perspective. I find that if I have purposeful lyrics first, everything else will fall into place”. 

Negrete’s biggest mission in the world is to share that changing your entire mindset for the better does exist and for people to feel the same amount of selfless love for themselves that she has found. It doesn’t come naturally for most people, it’s a muscle you have to exercise every day. 

Emma Negrete “Lost In Translation” and the EP “Breaking Down the Algorithm” will be available on Cassette, CD, Vinyl, Digital and all Streaming platforms:

For more information, visit:

Video Link:



David Skye

For press inquiries, please contact:

Perry Serpa and/or River Hooks

Vicious Kid Public Relations
