Long derided as the subject of conspiracy theories, cold fusion research is now taking the fore in the energy policies of major national governments. According to a recent journal article, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) is now funneling major funding into nuclear fusion technologies. The Neutrino Energy Group is confident that this shift toward the fringe of existing energy science is ushering in an era in which gathering massive amounts of electrical energy from neutrinos doesn’t seem so far-fetched.
From Crackpot Theories to Department of Energy Policies
Proponents of this next-generation nuclear fusion initiative are, of course, careful to avoid using the term “cold fusion” due to its association with fringe science. Theoretical forms of “hot fusion,” which replicate the energy-producing conditions inside of stars, are even less practical here on Earth than their colder counterparts, however, raising serious questions about which direction heavily-funded projects like the DOE’s INFUSE program are heading.
Whether the nuclear fusion the United States government is currently pursuing is “hot” or “cold,” this high-investment foray into what many considered a dead science is highly intriguing. Existing renewable energy technologies, such as wind, solar, and geothermal, clearly aren’t delivering the world-economy-reshaping results that many green energy investors predicted, driving sustainable energy research into previously unexplored segments of next-generation science.
Cold Fusion Today, Neutrino Energy Tomorrow
Over time, policymakers and investors are starting to realize that our generation’s energy problems require next-generation solutions. A decade ago, generating electrical energy from passing neutrinos seemed even less likely than finally cracking the secrets of cold fusion. In 2015, however, scientists proved that neutrinos have mass, and ever since, this sci-fi technology has taken center stage as the future’s most promising energy solution.
No matter how much investment is poured into this project, it’s unlikely that mass-scale implementation of nuclear fusion will ever become a reality. The 1970s-era push to delegitimize nuclear power has had a multigenerational impact, and the dangers of this technology remain too clear and present for many still traumatized by the horrors of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.
The Neutrino Energy Group Is Ready for the Challenge
Neutrino power, however, is free of stigma. Led by renowned energy scientist Holger Thorsten Schubart, the Neutrino Energy Group is hard at work developing consumer-level devices that harness the power of passing neutrinos for energy production.
In contrast to nuclear fusion, which must be accomplished at a central location, neutrino power is decentralized, which allows individuals, families, and communities to generate endless energy off the grid. Unlike wind and solar power, neutrino power devices operate constantly regardless of illumination or environmental conditions and Prof. Dr. Ing. habil Günther Krause, German Minister under Helmut Kohl and leading member of the International Scientific Board proposed Neutrino Power Cube would be small enough to generate sustainable power anywhere. Support the bold vision of the Neutrino Energy Group to give humanity the future of freedom we deserve.