Awakened Entertainment Announces Lynx, an EPIC action adventure series

Lynx - An EPIC sci-fi action adventure by Awakened Comics

Brooklyn, NY – July 6, 2020 – Lynx is an EPIC action adventure series from Awakened Entertainment. The creator, Elkin Ordenana is a coder by trade, comic fan at heart. He launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring some change to the comic industry.  For many years the major comic companies (Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image) have dominated story-telling, heroes, and role models for all of us. Elkin would like to contribute new stories, heroes, and diversity to the industry. 

The contributions to be collected in this campaign will allow him to focus on the story-telling for Lynx while simultaneously building up the ability to branch out unique content currently in development such as "The Fair One", and "TimeX2".

He is looking for $5,000 funding for the completion of Lynx issues 5-8 and is offering digital and printed versions of the comic, as well as some special metal artwork for top tier contributors. The funds will be solely attributed to the comic, if the campaign doesn't reach the goal, Kickstarter will return all money to backers.

About Awakened Entertainment

Awakened Entertainment is a new comicbook company reminiscent of the resurgence of innovative comics by Image Comics in the 90's.  We are a passionate group of artists heavily influenced by comic books, science fiction, films, and more.

The creator, Elkin Ordenana, has 10 solid years of experience in the technology and interactive media industry working for organizations such as Columbia University, The New York Stock Exchange, CitySoft Inc., The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and The New York Times, in the capacities of Senior Project Manager, Project Manager, IT Analyst, Developer, and Sales Manager. Recently, Elkin has embarked on a crusade to contribute unique and diverse stories to the comic book industry.

To LEARN MORE to help BACK this project, please visit: 


Elkin Ordenana

Brooklyn, NY

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