New Book by Eugene Christy Arrivederci New York

ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Eugene Christy Arrivederci New York hitting stores everywhere on February 16th, 2020.


It's 1899. An illegal immigrant, Tony LaStoria, just ten years old, an unaccompanied minor, lands in New York and has to make his way in the world's greatest city. Overcoming every obstacle, Tony finds a partnership to last a lifetime in his friend Harry, whose family are Jews from Vilna in the cloth trade. Manhattan, the island, is the Bangladesh of 1905.Together, in the wide-open, unregulated garment industry of that explosive time, the boys manage to become teenage businessmen by the time they're 16. Harry plays the entrepreneur, Tony, his trusted floor-manager, and the only thing that can ever come between them is--a girl named Laura.


Eugene Christy is a novelist, poet and musician currently enjoying retirement in his home in the Berkshires. His maternal grandparents Antonio Scioscia and Giuseppina Fabrizio came from Alta Villa Irpina, near Avellino, in the South of Italy. He has studied under Sean O’Faolain, James Dickey, and Larry McMurtry. Appearing as Gene Christy, he was previously known around the Berkshires as the singer-songwriter and accordian-player who led The Dossers, the Irish-themed pub-band trio featuring Bill Morrison and Rick Marquis. His current project, six years in the making, is called The Twentieth Century Quintet, five novels telling the saga of Antonio LaStoria and his descendants through three generations in America from 1899 to 1972, to be published by Adelaide Books, New York, in 2020 and 2021.


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New Book by Gregor Piatigorsky Mr Blok

ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Gregor Piatigorsky Mr. Blok hitting stores everywhere on March 14th, 2020.


In the author's own words:

"YOU who read best sellers and wear standard size shoes. YOU who never take unscheduled flights and never share views of the few. YOU who spit on a chess table and don't eat Snails Provencal. YOU wasters stuffed with timetables and self-importance -- YOU will never belong to Mr. Blok's admirers. But You who are capable of seeing your own ridiculousness; You, the spirited and the ones undiscouraged by your own futility -- You, readers, will find Mr. Blok a likable fellow, who will not mind in the slightest being put aside, should he not succeed in holding your attention."


Gregor Piatigorsky (1903 - 1976), the famed Russian cellist, was born in Ekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine. After leaving home as a little boy, he became the principal cellist of Moscow's Bolshoi Theater at the age of 15. He escaped from the Soviet Union in 1921 in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, crossed into Germany and became the first cellist in the Berlin Philharmonic under Wilhelm Furtwängler. Subsequently, he concertized extensively, married the French Jacqueline de Rothschild, had a daughter, Jephta, and came to the United States when France entered the war in 1939. He settled in Elizabethtown, New York, had a son, Joram, and became an American citizen. Renowned as a teacher, he taught at Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia before moving to Los Angeles in 1949; he ran a master class at the University of Southern California and turned out many of the leading cellists of the time. Piatigorsky died in Los Angeles in 1976; he is considered a legendary cellist of the 20th century.


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New Book by Kipp Van Camp The Secret of Rocks Hyraxes

ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Kipp Van Camp The Secret of Rocks Hyraxes hitting stores everywhere on March 15th, 2020.


The Secret of Rocks Hyraxes begins at an archaeological dig site in present-day Iran where the oldest recorded human, Methuselah, has been uncovered along with a reportedly indestructible rat species. Montgomery 'Monty' Palmer, a scientist researching a cure for his father's Alzheimer's, hypothesizes that the rats have been exposed to uranium, resulting in a mutation. If it's true, could the discovery help save his father?

Realizing the location in Iran is one of the places archaeologists have suggested as the birthplace of civilization, Monty develops a second theory. Not wanting to reveal his "out there" idea to the team of scientists, he keeps his thoughts to himself until the dig uncovers evidence that suggests his radical theory might be right. Instead of excitement, apolitical Professor Palmer is in the center of present-day Iran. Unexpected conflicts with the extreme terrorist group ISIS, ongoing strained US/Iran relationships, and enmity with the Iranian liaison, Singh Prokar; Monty finds he must spend more hours managing his eclectic team of scientists rather than focusing his valuable time on a cure for his failing father.

Dr. Kipp Van Camp, a physician and medical researcher with numerous papers and articles published in the medical journals and online, is also the author of dozens of short stories and two creative nonfiction books Always Allie (2011), and Misdiagnosis: A Practicing Physician’s Case Study on Healthcare Reform (2012). The Secret of Rocks Hyraxes is his first published novel and the first book in the series of thrillers featuring the adventures of the same main characters.


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New Kid Online Chess is Your Next Move

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Marietta, GA:A virtual online club for children to play chess, learn and compete with club mates has gone live. Hosted by Kid Chess, it helps to break the monotony of staying indoors as the global coronavirus pandemic grows.

Kid Chess Online enables current, registered users to continue the Kid Chess program at home and are open Mondays to Fridays from 2:45pm-4:45pm& 7:00pm-8:00pm.

The virtual club also offers extensive practice tools for members to adopt, adapt and improve their game against their friends and other members. The portal also tracks local school tournament standings.

Kid Chess Online is built on a secured platform. A child-friendly safeguard called "Kid Mode” can be turned on by parents. By activating Kid Mode all communication features are disabled, leaving only the best part: Chess!

Launched in 1998, Mr. Justin Morrison began Kid Chess as an instructional company for children, with the focus on keeping the game fun for children while teaching them essential life lessons such as sportsmanship, problem-solving, critical thinking, patience and attention span.

Participation in chess has been shown to increase test scores in reading and math.

"Chess develops analytical and decision-making skills that can be applied to real life," offered Mr. Morrison. "The game also encourages children to learn to focus, plan, and persevere through challenges, while building self-confidence.

"Kid Chess Online offers children the opportunity to gain all that learning from the comfort of their own home in a safe and friendly environment."

Over the years, Kid Chess has worked with many state individual and team champions. This program is run with great success and popularity in many Cobb County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County, City of Atlanta, and private schools. 

Kid Chess also offers after-school instruction as well as small group instruction, tournaments, summer camps, private lessons, and advanced lessons.

Their instructors have been chosen for their chess playing ability and to work with children, parents, and schools, and each instructor must pass in-depth background checks.

Kid Chess is in scores of schools, and thousands of children are involved in Kid Chess after-school programs and home school programs. More play at chess camps or take private lessons. For more details about Kid Chess, click over to their website:

New Bok by Lao Tzu Allan Blitz Until We Are Lost

New York, NY – ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz Until We Are Lost hitting stores everywhere on February 24th, 2020.


Until We Are Lost tells a story of a decaying world ravaged by war through five perspectives at different time periods. Through the combination of their stories, we witness two extremes of human potential: tenderness and care in the face of tragedy and selfish self-preservation. The story is about what it is in life that can turn a man towards either of those extremes.


Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz graduated from New York University with an interdisciplinary degree in Happiness and earned his medical degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine, at UCLA. He is currently a resident physician in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital. A writer his entire life, he has written over twenty short stories and three novels. Until We Are Lost (Adelaide Books, 2019) is his first published novel.


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