The AIBD Hosts Symposium to Explore the Future of Design in a Locked Down World

 WASHINGTON, DC — June 5, 2020 — What will the building design profession look like in a post-COVID-19 world? What lessons has the pandemic taught the industry and how has it prompted designers to re-evaluate how they work? Will building design ever be the same again?

On June 2, the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) hosted “Shaping the Future of Building Design”, an open space symposium where professionals discussed these ideas and shared their experiences as they navigate their way through the industry changes the pandemic has caused. Part of the Tuesday @2:00 Webinar Series, some of the topics that came up during this lively conversation included:


  • How people will approach entertaining in their homes from now on
  • Whether or not restaurants will need to change their occupancy loads permanently
  • If Plexiglas screens at checkout counters and one-way traffic in aisles at grocery stores will become a lasting fixture of building design
  • The ways 3D modeling is being used by real estate agents to replace in-person open houses
  • The current trend of clients requesting space for home offices and in-law units

“Our industry has been inspired, by necessity, to come up with fresh ideas,” said Steve Mickley, AIBD’s Executive Director who facilitated the event. “Members of the industry need to keep having discussions about which ones are temporary and which ones will become a permanent part of our vernacular. While the particular lessons of COVID-19 are still very much to be determined, ideas are emerging and we will continue brainstorming as we create a new normal for building design.”

About the American Institute of Building Design

Established in 1950, the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) is a nonprofit professional organization that strives to protect and enhance members’ ability to practice their profession. AIBD is committed to enhancing the industry, one builder at a time, by providing quality continuing education to ensure that professionals remain current with technology, materials, and building codes. AIBD is also committed to establishing and maintaining professional relationships with other trade, business, and professional organizations within the design and construction industry.

AIBD is proud to hold itself to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism as specified by the Institute's bylaws and code of ethics and will uphold the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the general public. This commitment is to the public and industry AIBD serves and the profession it represents.


Contact: Steve Mickley

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