The AIBD Hosts Symposium to Explore the Future of Design in a Locked Down World

 WASHINGTON, DC — June 5, 2020 — What will the building design profession look like in a post-COVID-19 world? What lessons has the pandemic taught the industry and how has it prompted designers to re-evaluate how they work? Will building design ever be the same again?

On June 2, the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) hosted “Shaping the Future of Building Design”, an open space symposium where professionals discussed these ideas and shared their experiences as they navigate their way through the industry changes the pandemic has caused. Part of the Tuesday @2:00 Webinar Series, some of the topics that came up during this lively conversation included:


  • How people will approach entertaining in their homes from now on
  • Whether or not restaurants will need to change their occupancy loads permanently
  • If Plexiglas screens at checkout counters and one-way traffic in aisles at grocery stores will become a lasting fixture of building design
  • The ways 3D modeling is being used by real estate agents to replace in-person open houses
  • The current trend of clients requesting space for home offices and in-law units

“Our industry has been inspired, by necessity, to come up with fresh ideas,” said Steve Mickley, AIBD’s Executive Director who facilitated the event. “Members of the industry need to keep having discussions about which ones are temporary and which ones will become a permanent part of our vernacular. While the particular lessons of COVID-19 are still very much to be determined, ideas are emerging and we will continue brainstorming as we create a new normal for building design.”

About the American Institute of Building Design

Established in 1950, the American Institute of Building Design (AIBD) is a nonprofit professional organization that strives to protect and enhance members’ ability to practice their profession. AIBD is committed to enhancing the industry, one builder at a time, by providing quality continuing education to ensure that professionals remain current with technology, materials, and building codes. AIBD is also committed to establishing and maintaining professional relationships with other trade, business, and professional organizations within the design and construction industry.

AIBD is proud to hold itself to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism as specified by the Institute's bylaws and code of ethics and will uphold the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the general public. This commitment is to the public and industry AIBD serves and the profession it represents.


Contact: Steve Mickley

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Fundlife Receives Donation from Bank Of Philippines Foundation Due to Coronaviurs

FundLife, a local Educational NGO secures the support the Philippines leading Bank, BPI, to increase it's COVID-19 Emergency Response to support the country's most vulnerable people.

Cebu City, , Philippines., June 11, 2020 - FundLife, a not-for-profit organisation that supports highly vulnerable children across the Philippines through play-based education and mentorship, is pleased to announce a charitable contribution in the amount of USD 20,000 (PHP 1 Million), from BPI Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).  The commitment from BPI Foundation will directly support FundLife’s ‘One Bayanihan COVID-19 Emergency response to support the most vulnerable children and families hardest hit by the economic impact of the prolonged quarantine.
The ‘One Bayanihan’ emergency response is a locally-led initiative comprising several local NGOs working to reach the most vulnerable groups. The donation from BPI Foundation is administered by Bidlisiw Foundation and will directly support partners of ‘One Bayanihan’, which include Bidlisiw Foundation, Bayanihan Mission, Glory Reborn and FundLife.
This support from the BPI Foundation is absolutely critical during this unprecedented and global crisis”, said Marko Kasic, Founder of FundLife. “This commitment will allow our partners to reach a further 2,000 families in desperate need of food relief and hygiene packs”
“Challenging times present greater opportunities to give back and provide meaningful impact to those who really need assistance.  Being able to collaborate with organizations like FundLife to extend immediate relief and long-term COVID-19 recovery initiatives for badly affected communities in Cebu was a welcome and timely opportunity,” said Owen Cammayo, Executive Director of BPI Foundation.

“BPI Foundation is committed to create sustainable positive social change for underserved Filipino communities.”
FundLife estimates that over 150,000 people from across Metro Cebu have been left without or pay since March 28th and are without access to financial and/or food support. Since launching the ‘One Bayanihan’ relief project on March 16th, FundLife and it’s local partners have reached over 20,000 people through food assistance, hygiene and vitamin packs as well as health awareness to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
About FundLife
FundLife is a Philippine registered NGO that was created after Super-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) to restore hope to survivor children through play and experiential learning. It’s mission is to protect, educate and empower children from highly marginalised communities by increasing their access to mentors and opportunities.
FundLife’s regular programming includes marginalised children and youth from Leyte and Samar, Lanao del sur, Bukidnon and Cebu. In 2019, FundLife launched a girls’ protection project called ‘Girls Got This’ to team up with global champions to advocate for the safeguarding, access to education and dignified opportunity for all girls. To find out more about FundLife visit and
About BPI Foundation

The story of empowerment is at the center of BPI Foundation’s work. We envision a financially inclusive Philippines where every Filipino is empowered to live a better life. Our mission is to create a culture of financial wellness and be agents for sustainable positive social change for underserved Filipino communities. 
It is our commitment to enable underserved communities with financial knowledge and access to spur responsible and sustainable growth and progress for Filipinos. For more information please visit


Press Contact:
Heather Amherst
A-303 Mendoza Complex

New Remote Work Program to Assist Young Adults by NGO Earth Agent

NGO Earth Agent is proud to announce our new “Remote Work Company” program! This is an innovative concept of remote work where NGO Earth Agent hires young adults in their dream field and support them to pursue their career without any uncertainty.

In this program, “Remote Work Company,” NGO Earth Agent provides young adults free housings to live in while they work in their dream career, especially in entertainment industry in Hollywood. Internships and actual work opportunities will be offered to program participants, giving them a chance to expand their networks within the industry and learn the job by shadowing and/or working with professional while their bills, including rent, utility and Wi-Fi, will be covered. They also receive salary of 10k+ every month, based on their work/position. Any young adult who successfully completes this program will be given the apartment after 10 years. In total, upon completion of this program, participants will be receiving: housing; job experience; job position; connections within the industry.

The unfortunate fact of Hollywood statics shows is that more than 70% of United States Citizens who move to Hollywood for their dream career have given up their dream due to financial reasons. This program allows young adults to eliminate the simple facts that would prevent them from focusing on pursuing their dream career by taking care of the financial parts with 10k+ extra cash provided.

With advanced technologies and the 5G networks, remote work will be the typical way of work done within next couple years. Instead of NGO Earth Agent paying for office spaces as before, we can utilize the rent to pay for young adults’ living spaces. 

Finally, if the young adults do not like the apartment given to them up on completion of the program, NGO Earth Agent will purchase the apartment from them or help them with loans to get a bigger/better places.

Don't miss out on this amazing once in a lifetime opportunity!

iContact launches a free email marketing solution for nonprofits

iContact, a trusted provider of email marketing solutions has announced it’s launch of Community Edition, a free email marketing platform for nonprofits, charities, businesses and organizations working with local and international communities to bring about positive changes.


Through community edition, users will be equipped with all resources that business clients enjoy including list management, design templates, analytics and a drag and drop editor. For any experience level, Community edition has the tools to help users get their messages to the inbox at the right time. 


“Supporting our neighbors and communities has been core to our mission since the launch of icontact.” Said Senior Vice President and General Manager, Michael Pepe. “We are pleased to offer this free, Community Edition to help those in need.”


Community edition was created out of a sense of responsibility to the community. It is essential for charities and nonprofits to be able to stay connected and reach their community in a timely manner. 


iContact has been known for its excellent customer service, and easy to use platform. iContact’s automation and ease-of-use, will help organizations save time, create professional emails that will make it to the inbox, and ultimately get their message across. 


iContact Community edition is now available at:

About iContact


Founded in 2003, iContact has helped businesses of all sizes achieve significant results  through their email marketing solutions and dedicated support team. iContact’s easy to use platform and numerous tools make it perfect for those new to email as well as experienced marketers. iContact is an award-winning company, receiving recognition from TopTenReviews, Salesforce AppExchange and G2 Crowd.

California High Schooler Streamlines Donations to Fight with Corona Virus Effectively

Irvine, CA - The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting the United States hard. Jackie Ni, a Sage Hill high school senior, wanted to get out and help, to be an instrument of light in his community and encourage others to do the same. In just a few short weeks he developed a website that offers a more transparent and efficient way for individuals and organizations to make donations. The mission of his site,, is to “combat COVID-19, one crate at a time.”

While there are websites out there that help match donors with medical facilities, Jackie noticed some major flaws. First, many sites do not give accurate information as to the actual supplies needed. They also may not reflect the real time needs of the facility based on COVID-19 cases in the area. For this, offers a mapping system.  Donors can see where there are higher concentrations of coronavirus cases and strategically send donations to those harder hit areas and get real time updates on actual supply and demand.

         Another flaw of current donation sites is the ability, or lack thereof, for donors to track their donations. Jackie’s family recently sent out thousands of surgical masks to medical facilities in neighboring states but was wanting the peace of mind knowing that their donation safely arrived in the right hands.  “My site allows you to use QR codes to transparently make a donation and track where it goes, and when it arrives.”

         The new website, which goes live on April 3, 2020, will live up to its mission, “combat COVID-19, one crate at a time” and encourage others to get involved as we band together to fight this disease. Currently, there are five organizations signed up to make donations.  250,000 masks will be delivered this weekend to senior care facilities, hospitals, and other locations in five states. Visit to make your donation today. Let’s fight this disease, TOGETHER!

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